Friday, January 15, 2010

I hate attention cravers.

I recently just found this website that has Kurt Cobain's Suicide note. It has the one he had wrote and if you cant understand it just read the text version. The letter was to his imaginary friend he had since he was young named Boddah. It just talks about his success in life and how messed up his life was. He loved Courtney and his daughter Frances so much. Frances had meant so much to him. He would of done anything for his baby girl. As for Courtney he did love her, but they did grow apart earlier before his suicide.

Nirvana had travled to Rome sometime before he shot himself, to perform a few concerts. During that time he tried to kill himself by over dosing on some herione he shot up. A lot of people were saying that he did not try to kill himself and that it was all an accident or murder. All of that is BULL SH**. Honestly, People just want some attention and yes Im talking about Courtney Love. If it wasn't for Kurt Cobain she would'nt be nothing. And now that he is gone she has nothing better to do than make false acusations.

It is very obvious that he was suicidal ever since a young adult. He talked a lot about wanting to kill himself and not being happy. He also tried killing himself plenty of times before. Having a horrible stomach pain that irritated him for years also pressured him more to want to take his life away.

Another false statement that is being said is that he was murdered. Now seriously do these people need that much attention to start making rumors up that he is being murdered. I was on this other website that tells you all about this bull crap. Courtney hired a private investigator that is tring to solve his "murder case". In the process of this, the same investigator is accusing Courtney for being a suspect to this so called "murder". Now she just screwed her self over, if she is one of the suspects in her "I want attention" scheme.

Kurt Cobain killed himself period. There is nothing that shows he was murdered or he "accidently" killed himslef. Let's get real now. Courtney is just trying to find a pointless excuse to get as much attention as she can and Im sorry honey but it s not working. But I guess it's up to you guys to believe whatever you want to believe. I have my own belifs and I am willing to argue with whoever has the nuts to do it. So BRING IT! :)

They also have his death certificate, which by the way is very fu**ed up. I looked throgh it and saw that they had wrote he played "punk rock" music. That really pissed me off Nirvana is NOT punk nor punk rock or pop. They are grunge, alternative or whatever else you want to call them but please stop considering them a "punk", "pop" or "punk rock" band, They are NOT.

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