Tuesday, January 26, 2010

"Gentlemen, Start Your Bonfires!" [Impending Mania]

"Gentlemen, Start Your Bonfires!"

Fans seem to be in such a euphoric, excited confusion, they don't realize the irony in the statement. It's dangerous to have bonfires in Australia. It's unlawful; looked down upon by those not invited to the party.
But, whoever gets the invitation, is pretty much guarunteed a great time rebelling.

Similar, this band. Whoever is lucky enough to grasp the idea of Maniac will have the time of their life when the leashes break and the dogs run loose. These metaphoric dogs are partners Jake Grigg of Something With Numbers and Shawn Harris from The Matches. Jake, known for the curly hair, rhythmic ability, and primitive/brilliant creative instincts, met Shawn when The Matches tours Australia.
Shawn explains in an Absolutepunk interview that he believes the two of them are like opposite charged magnets:
I don't fully agree with this, because I know for a fact Shawn has the same colossal intuitions. Really, the only thing that switches their poles is how they release that gut talent- Shawn is a word wizard. He inflicts emotion whether you want it or not. See the title if you have any questions- His four words inspired this blogpost. Jake is more like me: The energy, from what I can tell, is constantly radiating off him. I bet he has spontanious nature and is easily affected by emotions. [Lawlz I should become a horoscope writer.]
Of course this is all speculation, especially about their personalities, but who can't speculate when they post so many thought provoking status updates?

Look out for the Maniac EP, coming out sometime soon.
I'll rave about it later.
XD <3

Monday, January 18, 2010

It Might Get Loud. [The Edge, Jimmy Page, Jack White.]

Happy Monday!
Sorry my last band review read like an essay- I'll fix it, honest! On a more relevant note, I got to watch a movie last night I was very excited about- I'd been around all the hype. The thought was captivating- the goals of the film had been set so high and explained so emphatically.
I heard this particular documentary was supposed to change everything we'd ever known about electric guitars, change everything we'd ever known about rock stars, and change everything we'd ever known about music interviews.
This documentary was the brainchild of Producer/Hobby Guitarist Thomas Tull, and was directed by Davis Guggenheim. Guggenheim won an Oscar for his work with Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth", so he's a pretty big deal.
The film was focused on The Edge from U2, Jimmy Page from Led Zeppelin and Jack White. The premise of the movie is a meeting on a set- 3 chairs, microphones, and the three mens' favorite guitars. From a music perspective, the movie was absolutely brilliant: we saw three distinct approaches to the entire world that is rock music, although the approaches could've been researched more in-depth. I learned The Edge pushes forward, always keeping innovation and technology at the center of the band's career. Jack pushes nowhere but out, and his box lecture always gives me hope.
Jimmy Page is all about knowledge and instinct. The fact that playing a guitar is all the man has done made his part especially interesting, but the same issue was had here, too- the emotions could've been explored further to save some confusion.

That being said, for a information junky like me, "It Might Get Loud" raised more questions about their personal lives than it answered. There were some parts that lacked the build up it needed to make sense. For example, Jack had a scene where he taught the 9 year old "himself" how to play guitar. The abrupt an unexplained symbolism had 70% of the press confused it was his son. So, even if it was touching and meant to further Jack's story, it lost a lot of it's visual power because of how long it took to decode the representation. Other awkward parts were unfortunately a product of the meeting itself. The songs were forced and sounded that way, with the exception of Jimmy Page's solo jamming: if it weren't for the choppy, confusing editing, the atmosphere could've shifted and it would've been the most gorgeous and outstanding scene in rock documentary history, like the hype promised.

Even if the editing was a little bit of a bogey, I haProxy-Connection: keep-alive
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to acknowledge the importance of the shots between cuts. You see Jimmy Page wield an air guitar. Jack writes "Fly Farm Blues" on camera. You see the blueprints for U2's moving forward, and Page's first band. Contrary to the uncomfortable car scene, the art in the animations used for Jack and The Edge lacked absolutely no power and was a beautiful addition to the story. The same incredible power was evident with the end couple of minutes, too. You're showed big reasons for why the guys compose the way they do, but most of them are left up for implications, and thus, the film can adapt to the interests of anybody willing to let it in.

It's a great documentary when you strip your expectations. Did it change everything? No. Did it give me valuable input about loving and living in music? Not really.
But regardless, it contains better-than-average footage, and you do need to see it. I know I'll watch it again.

Friday, January 15, 2010

I hate attention cravers.

I recently just found this website that has Kurt Cobain's Suicide note. It has the one he had wrote and if you cant understand it just read the text version. The letter was to his imaginary friend he had since he was young named Boddah. It just talks about his success in life and how messed up his life was. He loved Courtney and his daughter Frances so much. Frances had meant so much to him. He would of done anything for his baby girl. As for Courtney he did love her, but they did grow apart earlier before his suicide.

Nirvana had travled to Rome sometime before he shot himself, to perform a few concerts. During that time he tried to kill himself by over dosing on some herione he shot up. A lot of people were saying that he did not try to kill himself and that it was all an accident or murder. All of that is BULL SH**. Honestly, People just want some attention and yes Im talking about Courtney Love. If it wasn't for Kurt Cobain she would'nt be nothing. And now that he is gone she has nothing better to do than make false acusations.

It is very obvious that he was suicidal ever since a young adult. He talked a lot about wanting to kill himself and not being happy. He also tried killing himself plenty of times before. Having a horrible stomach pain that irritated him for years also pressured him more to want to take his life away.

Another false statement that is being said is that he was murdered. Now seriously do these people need that much attention to start making rumors up that he is being murdered. I was on this other website that tells you all about this bull crap. Courtney hired a private investigator that is tring to solve his "murder case". In the process of this, the same investigator is accusing Courtney for being a suspect to this so called "murder". Now she just screwed her self over, if she is one of the suspects in her "I want attention" scheme.

Kurt Cobain killed himself period. There is nothing that shows he was murdered or he "accidently" killed himslef. Let's get real now. Courtney is just trying to find a pointless excuse to get as much attention as she can and Im sorry honey but it s not working. But I guess it's up to you guys to believe whatever you want to believe. I have my own belifs and I am willing to argue with whoever has the nuts to do it. So BRING IT! :)

They also have his death certificate, which by the way is very fu**ed up. I looked throgh it and saw that they had wrote he played "punk rock" music. That really pissed me off Nirvana is NOT punk nor punk rock or pop. They are grunge, alternative or whatever else you want to call them but please stop considering them a "punk", "pop" or "punk rock" band, They are NOT.

The Faint. [Oh. Uh Oh. Erection.]

"It's an orchard of peaches.
Your wife in the shower.
While you wait for appointments.
Or as you walk through the park.

Oh. uh oh. Erection."

The lyrics sound like a joke, but they're not- neither is this band.
Formed around 1995 in Omaha, Nebraska, by two brothers, a metal guitarist, a master bassist and another keyboarder named Jacob. They used to belong to Nebraskan Label "Saddle Creek Records", though I can't figure out who they're going with now. Wikipedia lists them as "Post-Punk Revival", and "Dance Punk"- in need for some elaboration? Wait for it, it's coming.
The lead singer, Todd Fink, is married to former label mate Orenda Fink. It seems normal enough, until I found out he took her last name and caused quite a stir on his local news channel, even prompting an anchor to call him a "loser" on AIR. There was speculation that he was trying avoid former fiscal troubles from catching up with him, but his name was eventually, and lawfully, changed. [Strange Coincidence? Jack White took his ex-wife's last name too, hm?] The reason he wanted her name was because she has, what sounds like, more of her foot in the door when it comes to the mainstream music business. Todd thought it'd be a smarter move to completely preserve her identity and change his own name, since his band hadn't made it too big yet and their identities are pretty mysterious, anyway. Well, so the point of this whole story is; I looked up Mrs. Orenda Fink, and get this last one: she's influenced by Haitian folk songs. Something to think about, on many different levels.
They're discography includes 5 full lengths, the most recent of them being "Fasciinatiion", and the most popular of them being "Wet From Birth".
"Wet From Birth" was featured on every boy game from the time it was released ['04] to now, or it seems like it: I first heard them on Tony Hawk's American Wasteland.
Needless to say, that album is easily my favorite. Their earlier tracks seem like a demo tape of William Control, and it's not a good sound. [not even for wiL francis. and he IS william control. Yeah, I went there.]
Now that they've grown into their style, I can say I partially agree with what the Wizard of Wikipedia categorized them as: but I think they're Post-Punk, not the revival of it.
The Faint has revolutionalized modern punk, and even if the old-school punk-rockers don't agree, The Faint isn't killing punk. Dance or Post-Punk isn't killing real punk. They're pointing kids lProxy-Connection: keep-alive
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e me to it's figurative location.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

the unexpierenced one.

and yes welcome to our amazing karaoke machine.
I am Tanya and pretty much have no music playing expierence what so ever. I did have a tinsy bit of music playing a while ago. I had this real cool, top of the line guitar and I was set to learn a whole bunch of songs and propbably make some of my own. Unfortunaly my brother had sold the guitar and I was out of luck. Now I had asked for a fender acoustic guitar on christmas but my parents do want to get me one. They assume that I want to get into the music bussiness and not go to college, do drugs have a billion babies etc. Its just a poor excuse of not wanting to spend money on something I really like and enjoy. So I am set to get a job and raise money to get the fender I desperatley need. Other than that I find myself looking at the history of music, I absolutley love learning every single detail of every single band member, their music, their families, their childhoods etc.. It's kind of an obssesion. I love knowing everything there needs to be known from the day they were born and till the day they die. Lately I have been looking into Kurt Cobain and his band Nirvana. I am overly obsessed with Kurt Cobain and know every single thing there needs to be known about him. I have read 3 books about him and almost every online biography about him. He is a very interesting man and knowing the fact that he no longer exists is upseting. I have considered becoming a music Journalist, Just having a job where all you do is learn and inform the milllions of people about the music you love sounds pretty awesome and I hope it can happen.

Plugging in the Mic.

..Welcome! This is The Karaoke Machine, a blog started by Sara and Tanya. I'm the Sara one, and I wanted to start off with a breif History of myself and what I know about music, some of my favorites, and a quick snapshot of what we expect will be going on around here.
So to start off, I'll tell you about lessons. Even if you don't care, it makes me feel better about my criticism. Took piano on and off for 8 years, and didn't learn anything about music. I've been taking voice for about 2, and have liked it. It's when I took guitar lessons that things started clicking- and since my first guitar lesson was only about a year and a half ago, I'd listened to and loved a lot of music by that time, and I think that's why it went so great. This upcoming February I'll have had one year of Drum lessons, and what a mental rollercoaster. I got so emotional about drums, and have had it in my head since I swear I was born that I was meant for drums. Like, me and drums, together forever. I could've carved it into a tree 4 months ago. Then something hard happened: Since my emotions were so strong, I'd feel guilty. Or embarrassed, or frustrated, or really, really sad. It got ridiculous, and I regret to admit I am taking a hiatus from my drum set. Emotions are really the driving force behind this music blog, too- I'd been trying to find my place in music via all these lessons, until one day about last month something happened. I forced myself to learn songs and practice them, and I'd sit, for sometimes 7 hours a night on a school night to keep doing it. I kept telling myself I'd get it. I never got it. There were multiple discussions about how I needed to stop thinking so hard, and I thought I'd give my second love - writing - a try.
So Here I am, and that's pretty much my history.
For favorites, it's punk, it's blues, it's pop, it's garage rock and in no specific order. The Creators/Saviours of those genres make up my "favorites" playlist and pretty much my entire life. When I like the band, I know the band. I make it a priority to learn about their lives then, now, and if they have goals, where they may be going. It's the background that makes me love writing about the band, mostly because it's therapy knowing they're a little like you. [I defintitely recommend it.]
The relatibility is something of a goal for me; to bring that connection-without-distortion to the blog. I want to keep the information straight from the source and have my opinion be obviously set apart.
Now for the situation that is The Karaoke Machine:
For now, blog posts will be random until a routine is decided and/or Tanya gets her internet fixed. I forsee myself posting band reviews, and some album reviews, but I really like the idea of writing about thoughts on music topics- like Tanya showed me a website where you can read Kurt Cobain's suicide note and my brain went crazy with ideas. [Tanya! Take the Topic! I want to know what you think about it! lol!]

So that's my flow.